Conversation Between EastCoaster and bblbasser

1 Visitor Messages

  1. U a yankee fan? i'm an angel fan but ain't gonna hold it against you! You wanna fish outa a rental tomorrow? I'm renting one and if you wanna chip in 25 bucks toward the all day deluxe bass boat you gotta back seat. I fish for a living and put in 100 days a year bass fishing. You gotta go with my game plan though. (fished there 2 weeks ago and had a ripper swimbait bite in the afternoon.) Reason I'm askin' is I see you were USMC and that's good enough in my book. My name is Scott and my cell is 909 744 9035. If you want to join me call asap. I'm fishing from open till close. I say "go big or go home".
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