The commission that is charged with implementing the Marine Life Protection Act is is in the process of taking dead aim at some of our best fishing areas off southern California's inshore and island areas.
I have posted about this before when they were working north and central Ca. but now it's our turn.
Unless you want to see all of the best fishing spots made off limits by people that have absolutely no concern for your right to fish and a total disregard for any and all scientific date that has been collected concerning recreational fishing, YOU must get involved now.
Join UASC at or any other group that is fighting these arrogant anti-fishing East coasters.
We must be prepared before they get started here. They have already closed much of the North and Central coast leaving only the most barren areas to fish.
Do you think they will not close areas like Catalina and Clemente or the Horseshoe and Barn kelp, how about the Clam beds off Oceanside?
If we don't get involved in this fight with our time AND OUR DOLLARS we will be fishing only the sand flats.
Now is the time to take a stand and tell these people that they have gone far enough, it stops here.