Quick report for the shore anglers. Fell in line at 615am, the line to get in was pretty long but went by pretty fast. In the water at 7. Started fishing at the 3rd cove to the right of the marina and then worked my way back towards the marina. Fished till about 11. Caught 6, missed 3. First two were on 5" senkos and the last four, as well as the three misses, were on c-rig baby brush hogs. 6lb fluro. Caught a nicer one on the senko. The rest were mostly smaller males (underside of tails were pretty beat up). Didn't see a single bed fish. But that was mostly due to the overcast weather and the wind picked up a little as the morning went on. Sun only popped out briefly and that's when I caught the bigger one. Was slower than I expected, however this was the first time I've been to the lake since October of last year. Talked to many other shore anglers who had little success. Hope this report can help anyone planning on going out tomorrow.