I need a new inshore reel to pair with my two Phenix Inshore Assassins. I want a lower profile reel and I prefer to stick with Shimano, so I'm thinking of getting this Curado that I've never seen before. It's the Curado Type J, the 300HJ to be exact. Do any of you have any experience with this reel, or at least any knowledge of it? It has about 14.3 pounds of drag, 6.9:1 ratio, and comes in left hand. It's been around for a few years and I can't find anything negative about it, but I can't find much positive either. There's not much about it online, at least in English.

Also comes in a 6.2:1 ratio (the 300J) which for some reason is all blue instead of gold/blue:

I was considering the Curado 300EJ, but honestly... and I know this is stupid... I don't like the green color.

Anyway, if you got any info on this reel I'd appreciate it.

Oh yeah, before you recommend other reels to me, I live in Thailand and due to Thailand's strict (a.k.a. corrupt) customs and taxation system, I can't order anything from outside Thailand to be shipped into Thailand, or I could be faced with a 100% tax rate. Assuming I even receive my package. So, my choice in fishing gear is limited to what Thai stores carry. Luckily there's a decent fishing shop with an online store in Bangkok that has a few nicer reels. They even carry Phenix Rods!