i was gonna just comment in a thread but thought i would make this a post.

the algae you're seeing is soft cover. fish will relate to it at times if balled up in the backs of coves or on windy shorelines. treat it like a dock, bouy or the floating bathrooms. algae and vegetation = shade. fish that are in the upper half of the water column or shallower fish will sometimes use it as an ambush point. somewhere they can trap a bait. how many times have you been bit as you've barely lifted the bait out of the water near the boat. the fish saw you're bait as a meal trying to escape. the high perentage kill zone for the bass was at your boat. except the fish didnt know a boat was a boat. the fish thought it was a hard piece of structure or cover that he knew he could pin a bait against. imagine you were running from some thuggish beast () down and alley way and there was a dead end at the end of it. basically you'd have nowhere to go and whatever was chasing you would tear you to shreds. same goes for the little silver shad or that tasty looking trout. they dont have a chance!

a lot of this fish are deeper in the water column but always remember, bass will stay shallow all year. sometimes the big ones will ambush shallow often!

i wouldnt try and get away from the algae, but rather try to find it.

i'll probably get shot for saying this. but id rather help you guys!