So my friend is going through a tough time with his wife. I do not really have an answer for him so I told him I'd turn to FNN pros! I'm sure many of have I...gone through a spat or two with the spouse over the topic of "fishing".

My friend has gone through a few big ones. He is addicted like most of us to fishing. He tries to go once a month or two.

He was home for two weeks on vacation spending time with his family and was helping his wife since an accident. He went back to work stressed out cuz he had no time to himself (fishing). He worked one day and decided to take a day off next Tuesday to go fishing with me. He told his wife and she lost it. She told him, "I need you home and you want to go fish! That is bullshit!" He has days from comp time and he wanted to use one. She told him that he should take days to spend it with her since she can't work right now (for two more weeks) and not go to the mountains to catch damn fish!

He has had spats in the past cuz he has gone to fish and tries also when he camps. Wife has now gave him an ultimatum...stop fishing and get your mind off it or no more sex...or even divorce.

So he is stuck. He gets sex once a week or two weeks (much more than me...lucky devil). He asked me..."Do I give up fishing, sex, marriage?" If he gives up fishing, he will resent her. If he fishes, she will leave him or at least not have sex. By the way...she is pretty hot.

What would you guys do?