Went out with my father in law and fished the shore for the first half of the morning. We had a few decent hits from a worm on the bottom but no hook ups. We ended up on a pontoon boat at 1 cause that's all that was left. We tried trolling and pitching up in some of the deeper coves. I threw on a 6 inch trout swimbait and just started casting like a mad man. I had one of the biggest hits of my life and i'm guessing it was a huge lmb. I couldn't be sure seeing as he somehow slipped my hook after 10 seconds on the line. I watched two nice size bass follow my swimbait up to the boat after that still no takers. I flipped the chatterbait out there quite a bit and threw a decent assortment of soft baits but i come away from this lake empty handed again. It's a damn shame you have to pay so much to get out on the water....i got about a month left here in Cali so i might only be able to go fishing a few more times b4 i go back to ohio. Here's to hoping i can get one of the infamous largemouth bass out here in cali, and i'm talking about a 10 +! If not here i'll be back in ohio for prime fishing season.