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Thread: Return of the Jedi: The largemouth strike back! 5/8/11

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Don’t drink the coolaid

    Default Return of the Jedi: The largemouth strike back! 5/8/11

    Been a while since I hit a lake with Skyler.
    We got him all outfitted with swimbait gear and he brought lots of trouts.
    Unfortunately he lost a few trouts and today was his day to "pay his dues", but next time he will get them. We both watched a 4lb largemouth jump out on shore after his swimbait while he was reeling it in, but he wasn't expecting it, and neither was I.
    I don't think the fish had his swimbait all the way in his mouth or something.

    I managed to buy a new triple trout today on the way to the lake since I retired the one I caught the 20lber on. I think it was like the 4th cast of my brand new triple trout and a bass jumps out of a bush and takes a swipe at it! Fight on and over as quick as it began and I lipped a good 4lb fish! Whew! DVL is being good to me lately!
    We will be back out there soon to get Skyler's fish and revenge of the lost hardbaits.
    Skyler also lost a fish or two on bait when they wrapped him up.

    Here's some pics. enjoy.



    Solid feesh

    Get used to seeing my new Triple Trout around for a bit until I get enough fish to retire it

    Skyler was getting hit all day but no stick

    We made a few moves and no more love.

    I fished 6 of 7 days this week and now have blistered hands! The best week of swimbait fishing in my life for sure. Incredible to say the least!

    Here's skyler bent on a fish at the last minute but it wrapped him in the trees and was lost.

    Catch ya next time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Don’t drink the coolaid


    Really proud of you today Skyler!
    Keep it up with those big baits and I guarantee it will pay you off BIG!
    Those storm trouts swim just like the Triple. I'm gonna have to go pick one up!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    Way to break in that new triple trout, nice LMB! Thanks for your reports, and hopefully you have another shot at that DD striper.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Don’t drink the coolaid


    I really really hope so. But I'm pretty sure that was one of those fish of a lifetime from shore like that.
    Won't stop me from going back and trying again and again and again!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    Cool, a Star Wars reference. My all time favorite movie and I still got all the original toys in the box to prove it.

    Junkie, you keep hucking those swimmies their is no telling what you'll eventually hook into. Im one of these that throws the heck out of swimmies in the cold water months, but puts them away when spring rolls around. Bad move on my part. I've learned my lesson and will carry a swimbait rod with me at all times......time of year be damned.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    The food chain...


    Had fun, despite the uncompliant fish, lol. I'll be back next weekend for revenge. This time bright and early at the second spot we hit, with new ammo to throw. I know there's a double digit striper down there with my name on it. Thanks for the swimbait rod and the good time. I'll see you next time, bro.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    Holy Cow! Way to go on the nice swimbait fish mang!

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