What Vic said.

With any traditional tube, you'll need chest waders to actually stay dry (and meet the requirements for lakes that require them). Of course in the summer, in the saltwater, there's no need. Once the water temp gets up to the mid 60's or so, I put the waders away and wear board shorts.

If you're not willing or able to get chest waders, try sitting on a floating boat cushion to get yourself higher in your seat.

Kicking isn't just automatically there for anyone. I felt totally awkward my first time out and turning around or maneuvering was very difficult. By my third session, I had it figured out and nowadays I never even think about what my feet are doing, they just automatically do the right thing. I can hold my position against wind or current without thinking about it.

I use two basic styles of kicking. When I'm just cruising along, I use a kick that is like riding a bicycle backwards. The upstroke is the power and the down is the recovery. When I need to have real power, then I lean back, straighten my legs and put power into both the upstroke and the downstroke.

Keep at it, a couple more sessions will make all the difference!